Origins of the Common Mop
Friday, June 1, 2018

WizMop is the latest and best in a long line of advancements in home cleaning. The mop has been around for centuries and was most probably invented by someone whose knees were aching from scrubbing hard stone floors. If you have ever scrubbed a floor without a mop you’ll have an idea what a boon […]
Go Green and Get Clean!
Thursday, May 17, 2018

Most people agree that the more natural products we use, the healthier we are. The problem with many “green” products is that they can be budget wreckers and they often don’t work as well as the unhealthy chemical cleaners we are used to using. But thanks to ordinary people who are both frugal and green, […]
Fast and Easy Cleaning Solutions
Thursday, May 10, 2018

We all need to save time, especially during the holidays. And since the last thing we really want to do is clean, we at WizMop thought we’d compile some suggestion to make your cleaning chores easier in the most used rooms in your home. In the Kitchen It’s inevitable that with all the cooking we […]
Dryer Sheets are Amazing!
Sunday, April 29, 2018

You probably never thought that dryer sheets had any uses other than keeping your clothing static free but you’ll be surprised at how versatile they are. Before you’ve finished reading about all the things that used dryer sheets can do you’ll probably regret all those years of throwing them away. Here are just some of […]
Bath and Laundry Know How
Sunday, April 15, 2018

There are several effective ways to keep your bath and laundry room clean and fresh. We may not think of these rooms as important in our everyday lives but we spend more time in both rooms than we realize. Here are a few tips that will save you time cleaning so you can do more […]
Safe and Natural Cleaning
Sunday, April 1, 2018

If you’re like I used to be, you have so many bottles of different types of cleansers that it’s hard to find what you’re looking for. Cleansers for countertops, stoves, floors, sinks and tubs—there’s a different cleanser for everything! You spend a lot of money on these items, too. You can replace all those different […]
Should You Use Reclaimed Wood for Your Flooring?
Friday, March 23, 2018

Reclaimed wood is all the rage these days and for good reason. Looking for something special has become rather a fool’s errand; you might think you find something unique only to find out it is a mass produced item that millions of other people have. Very few people have floors made from the wood of […]
Natural Kitchen and Laundry Tricks
Monday, March 12, 2018

We’re all busy and let’s face it, no matter how much we want to use natural methods around the house, most of them just take too much time—shopping for ingredients, mixing, drying, storing—and seem more trouble than they are worth. Here are some natural solutions that will actually save you time and do the job […]
How to Have Sparkling, Beautiful Windows
Friday, March 2, 2018

Most of us don’t like to wash windows. It’s hard work and takes up a lot of time when we’d much rather be doing something we enjoy. But there’s nothing quite like the feeling one gets when the chore is done; it almost looks as if there is nothing between you and the beautiful outside […]
Should You Choose Bamboo Flooring?
Thursday, February 22, 2018

Bamboo has become very popular in the past decade. It is a versatile plant and you’ll find it in everything from socks to flooring. Bamboo flooring is natural and environmentally friendly and fairly easy to maintain. One of the advantages of bamboo is that it matures in just 3 years compared to oak which takes […]