How to Have Sparkling, Beautiful Windows
Friday, March 2, 2018

Most of us don’t like to wash windows. It’s hard work and takes up a lot of time when we’d much rather be doing something we enjoy. But there’s nothing quite like the feeling one gets when the chore is done; it almost looks as if there is nothing between you and the beautiful outside world! Window cleaning doesn’t have to be such a dreaded chore if you do it right.
First, you should forget about using paper towels and window cleaner. Spraying and scrubbing the window just pushes the dirt and grime around the window pane and doesn’t do much to remove it.
The best way to clean a window is with soap and water. Just a couple of drops of dish soap in a bucket of warm water will clean the grime off a window pane quite well. You will need a sponge or a strip applicator, a squeegee, and a few lint free cloths such as old diapers or linen napkins.
Scrub the window briefly with the soap and water then apply the squeegee from top to bottom or side to side. After each swipe of the squeegee, wipe it with the cloth so it doesn’t leave any streaks on the glass.
Sometimes you might find stains on your windows from rain penetrating your metal screens or rain runoff from the masonry on your house. If you come across such a stain that washing won’t remove, you can wet the glass and use very fine (000) steel wool to remove it. If that doesn’t work you can try Barkeeper’s Friend, a gentle cleaner that won’t scratch the glass. Mix the powder with water into a paste and apply with a wet towel, rinse, then use the squeegee.
If you have windows that stain from rain runoff you might want to use a clear polymer coating on the glass after it has been cleaned and is dry.
Cleaning windows doesn’t have to be an all day chore if you use these few simple tools. You’ll be done before you know it and you can enjoy the rest of your day!
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